Benefits of IV Hydration

Benefits of IV Hydration

Your skin, joints, muscles and other vital system will soon be healthier... thanks to IV hydration therapy. These areas are powerfully flushed of pollutants and brought back to health by the intense influx of nutrients and water. You can always perform at your best by receiving hydration IV therapy, which helps you feel and look healthy. You can relieve dehydration more quickly and effectively with IV hydration than with regular water. Why IV drips? Following are some of the reasons: 

  • Immediate Results! Fast absorption than oral intake
  • 100% absorption of Vitamins/minerals than oral intake of Vitamins; it bypasses the stomach and goes straight to your blood; extra beneficial to patients that have gastric conditions like ulcers, etc. hindering full 100% absorption of vitamins.
  • Safe and efficient
  • No wait time in case of Emergency! Saves you the trouble of going to ED and wait for hours
  • Detoxifies your body quicker
  • Hydrates and balances electrolytes, replenish vital nutrients that can be life-saving
  • can help treat certain conditions
  • Purely vitamins and minerals-no additives
  • Free of animal products unlike oral meds